Neck Massage
Turn head slightly to the left, and lean your left ear to your left shoulder about half way. Apply the roller to the right side of your neck and guide back and forth along the neck muscles through to the shoulder.
Move your head forward to rest your chin on your chest, or as close as possible without causing pain. Roll the back of your neck by moving the Oasis Stick up and down along the back of your neck and the top of your upper shoulder region.
Turn head slightly to the right, and lean your right ear to your right shoulder about half way. Apply the roller to the left side of your neck and guide back and forth along the neck muscles through to the shoulder.
Shoulder Massage
- Stand with proper posture—feet shoulder width apart, facing forward, with your head up straight—hold the stick with your left hand behind your back. Use your right hand to roll the stick along your right shoulder.
- Stand with proper posture—feet shoulder width apart, facing forward, with your head up straight—hold the stick with your right hand behind your back. Use your left hand to roll the stick along your left shoulder.
Upper Back Massage
- Stand with proper posture—feet shoulder width apart, facing forward, with your head up straight—bend your shoulders forward creating a curve in your upper spine. Hold the stick with your left hand behind your back. Use your right hand to roll the stick along your right upper back, using short movements to roll between your backbone and right shoulder blade.
- Stand with proper posture—feet shoulder width apart, facing forward, with your head up straight—bend your shoulders forward creating a curve in your upper spine. Hold the stick with your right hand behind your back. Use your left hand to roll the stick along your left upper back, using short movements to roll between your backbone and left shoulder blade.
Lower Back Massage
- Anchor one end of the stick inside your right elbow, with the stick behind your back. Use your left hand to roll the lower right side of your back/buttocks.
- Anchor one end of the stick inside your left elbow, with the stick behind your back. Use your right hand to roll the lower left side of your back/buttocks.
Arm Massage
- Stand with proper posture—feet shoulder width apart, facing forward, with your head up straight—extend your right arm forward, bent at the elbow. Hold the stick with your right hand over your right upper arm as a support. Use your left hand to roll the stick along your right upper arm, including the front and back, top and under of the arm.
- Stand with proper posture—feet shoulder width apart, facing forward, with your head up straight—extend your left arm forward, bent at the elbow. Hold the stick with your left hand over your left upper arm as a support. Use your right hand to roll the stick along your left upper arm, including the front and back, top and under of the arm.
- To reach lower arm/forearm area, hold the stick in one hand and place the other in between your legs for stability.
Leg Massage
- On either side of your body, start rolling your hip just below the belt.
- Roll from the hip to your knee. Roll the front, sides, and back of your thigh with your weight on the opposite foot. (Roll left thigh, weight on right foot)
- To roll back of your knee, the muscle must be relaxed. If standing, elevate the knee above your waist to relax and roll. If sitting, bend your knee to relax and roll.
- To roll calf, the calf must be relaxed. Rolling your calf now instead of your knee, if standing, elevate the knee above your waist to relax and roll. If sitting, bend your knee to relax and roll. Do not roll over shin bone directly.
Foot Massage
- Place roller on the ground, then roll the sole of your foot while the roller remains on the ground.
- Particularly useful in cases of plantar fasciitis